We will allow a LIMITED number of students to "DROP - IN" to after school. All students must be pre-registered.
Welcome to PS 11 Programs’ online registration and program management system.
Welcome to PS 11 Programs’ online registration and program management system. Please use this link only if you have a financial assistance promo code.
Early Bird (before school/morning drop off)
An extended dismissal is provided to accommodate families’ work schedules.
No school, no problem - Holiday Camps are open at PS 11!
Please use this to manage pickups and to pay late fees.
2025 Summer Camp, June 30-August 15, 2025
Fab Lab is non-stop, hands-on FUNdamentals in physics, chemistry, and computer programming to build a lifelong love of science! We’re creating glow in the dark slime, turning milk into plastic, creating electricity with fruit, writing secret messages with invisible ink, creating tiny volcanos, miniature explosions, water that glows in the dark, super bouncing balls, fireworks in a cup, Archimedes screwballs, rainbow rain, Galileo-inspired periscopes and kaleidoscopes, gumdrop molecules, gravity-defying beads, and elephant toothpaste! We’ll learn how to prototype and code our contraptions with the Lego Boost robot, making anything from an off road buggy to ball shooting battle bots or a music sequencer to record your raps, beats, and loops. Every day brings a new challenge from an unsung legend of science like Mary Jackson, NASA’s first female African American engineer, Jane Goodal, champion of animal protection, Ada Lovelace, mother of the computer, and Sabrina Gonzales, the youngest person in the world to build and pilot their own aircraft. Step into the Fab Lab!
This is a premium class and costs $40.00 per class
No Class Mar 6, Apr 17 & Jun 5
Full - waiting list