We will allow a LIMITED number of students to "DROP - IN" to after school. All students must be pre-registered.
Welcome to PS 11 Programs’ online registration and program management system.
Welcome to PS 11 Programs’ online registration and program management system. Please use this link only if you have a financial assistance promo code.
Early Bird (before school/morning drop off)
An extended dismissal is provided to accommodate families’ work schedules.
No school, no problem - Holiday Camps are open at PS 11!
Please use this to manage pickups and to pay late fees.
2025 Summer Camp, June 30-August 15, 2025
Calling all artists - you are invited to collaborate with artist and PS11 parent George Sewell, exploring the many facets of urban art through their own work, culminating in the creation of a collaborative mural on a wall at PS11.Each week, kids will be given inspiration, explore images of famous artist’s work and art techniques and then get their chance to make their own mural drawings. Each week’s work will be collected and eventually bound into their own “mural sketchbook” to take home. One of the groups’ drawings will be chosen for the actual wall mural, which will be created as a group over the last few weeks of the class. The final class will be an unveiling of the mural and a celebration of the kids’ mural sketchbooks.
No Class Apr 16
Full - waiting list