We will allow a LIMITED number of students to "DROP - IN" to after school. All students must be pre-registered.
Welcome to PS 11 Programs’ online registration and program management system.
Welcome to PS 11 Programs’ online registration and program management system. Please use this link only if you have a financial assistance promo code.
Early Bird (before school/morning drop off)
An extended dismissal is provided to accommodate families’ work schedules.
No school, no problem - Holiday Camps are open at PS 11!
Please use this to manage pickups and to pay late fees.
2025 Summer Camp, June 30-August 15, 2025
This class starts with a warm up and stretch, followed by dance exercises across the floor, floorwork and dance moves that we then use while learning a choreography to an up beat song. At the end of dance class we will work on our improvisation skills in a dance game. All music is fun, positive, energetic and kid friendly. Students should wear sneakers and comfortable dance clothing (pants/leggings) to class. Students may only sign up for 1 Hip Hop class per week.
No Class Apr 18 & Jun 6
Already started