We will allow a LIMITED number of students to "DROP - IN" to after school. All students must be pre-registered.
Welcome to PS 11 Programs’ online registration and program management system.
Welcome to PS 11 Programs’ online registration and program management system. Please use this link only if you have a financial assistance promo code.
Early Bird (before school/morning drop off)
An extended dismissal is provided to accommodate families’ work schedules.
No school, no problem - Holiday Camps are open at PS 11!
Please use this to manage pickups and to pay late fees.
2025 Summer Camp, June 30-August 15, 2025
Adventurers wanted for Dungeons & Dragons (D&D)!
In Dungeons & Dragons, players form an adventuring party to explore fantasy worlds together, go on epic quests and level up in experience. The Game Master (also known as the GM) is the game's referee and storyteller. There’s no winning or losing in D&D—at least, not in the conventional way. Create a character and join others on an adventure as you roll dice and decide what happens next!
No Class Apr 15
Full - waiting list